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Quick Start for Service Bureaus

Service Bureaus (Title II and Title I)
Quick Links
Site Map [PDF]
Frequently Asked Questions
FHA Connection Guide
Navigation Tools and Assistance

Other Audience Groups
SF Originating Lenders - Title II
SF Servicing Lenders - Title II
Title I Lenders
FHA Roster Appraisers
Counselors and Housing Counseling Agencies
Federal Agencies and Non-FHA Lenders Using CAIVRS
Auditors or IPAs Using LEAP
Multifamily Lenders
Service bureaus for Single Family Title II and Title I Property Improvement/Manufactured Housing Loan lenders can use the FHA Connection for loan servicing. Below are links to essential information on accessing and using the FHA Connection.  
Service Bureau Establishment in HUD's System: The service bureau must be established in HUD's system and issued an FHA ID. See Service Bureau Establishment Procedures (Title II and Title I Lenders) in the Service Bureau Administration [PDF] module of the FHA Connection Guide.
Register for the FHA Connection: After the service bureau is established in HUD's system and an FHA ID is issued, employees of the service bureau can register for the FHA Connection. The service bureau designates two to four employees to administer the user IDs of its employees. They must register as FHA Connection Application Coordinators. Once established, other employees can register as standard users. See FHA Connection Registration Procedures [PDF] in the FHA Connection Guide. To register, click here and follow the instructions for the Service Bureau user type.
Sign on to the FHA Connection: The Application Coordinator notifies employees of their user IDs. Once an FHA Connection user ID is issued, the user can sign on to the FHA Connection. The password entered on the FHA Connection registration form is used to initially sign on to the FHA Connection and must be changed immediately after signing on. If the password is forgotten and must be reset, it is reset to the last six digits of the user's Social Security Number. See Signing on/off of the FHA Connection [PDF] in the FHA Connection Guide.
FHA Connection Orientation: To get acquainted with the FHA Connection environment, see Site Map [PDF] and Using the FHA Connection [PDF] in the FHA Connection Guide.
Authorization to Service Cases on the FHA Connection: The service bureau is selected and authorized by any FHA-approved lender that chooses to use its services. The functions it can access and the level of access (no access, query only, or update/query) are provided by the lender(s). The service bureau can view a list of the lenders using the service bureau and their authorizations through Service Bureau Authorizations on the ID Maintenance menu. See also Viewing Lending Institution Authorizations for a Service Bureau in the Service Bureau Administration [PDF] module of the FHA Connection Guide.
FHA Connection User ID Administration: The service bureau's FHA Connection Application Coordinators grant the service bureau's users access to the FHA Connection functions authorized by the lender(s). See User Administration [PDF] in the FHA Connection Guide and Frequently Asked Questions - ID Maintenance.
Servicing Functions: Below are links to information on some of the Single Family and Title I Servicing functions and menus for which the service bureau may be authorized.
  Monthly Premiums (Single Family Title II)
  Title I Servicing