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Frequently Asked Questions - Update Existing Case

Q1: I ordered a case with the wrong sponsor. I am trying to update the sponsor using "Update Existing Case" page, but it will not allow me to make the change. How do I change the sponsor?
A1: You would use the "Case Transfer" page to transfer the case to the correct sponsor. If you have questions about the "Case Transfer" page, please refer to the Case Transfer section of the Frequently Asked Questions.
Q2: I ordered a case number, but after a case number was assigned, I found out it is a refinance of a FHA case. I am having trouble updating the case in the "Update Existing Case" to indicate it is a refinance of a FHA loan. How do I complete this?
A2: Make sure you are updating the following fields:
  • Is this a Purchase or Refinance?
  • If Refinance: Was prior loan FHA Insured? Yes No
  • All Refinances: Select streamline refinance type:
  • Prior FHA and prior REO cases: Enter case number of previous case: -
  • Prior FHA Case: Enter the following for new case:
    • Projected Closing Date: / /
    • Contact Name:
    • Contact Phone: (-
Q3: I noticed that the address/borrower information was entered incorrectly when the case number was ordered. I am trying to change the information, but the "Update Existing Case" page will not allow me to update the corresponding fields. How do I correct the information?
A3: These types of corrections would be made through the "Borrower/Address Change" page instead of the "Update Existing Case" page. If you have any questions about the "Borrower/Address Change" page, please refer to the Borrower/Address Change section of the Frequently Asked Questions.

If the Social Security Number was incorrect, after you make the correction in the "Borrower/Address Change" page, you will need to order new CAIVRS authorizations for the borrowers. This would be done through the "CAIVRS Authorization" page.
Q4: I ordered a case number as a condominium case and I am now trying to change/remove the condo ID. The "Update Existing Case" page will not allow me to update the field. Where can I go to update that field?
A4: If you are unable to update those fields, then the case has been placed on the Condo Applicant Log. Please call the Home Ownership Center in your region or e-mail and request to have the case removed from the Condo Applicant Log. If you send an e-mail message, please include the case number and condo ID so they can remove the case from the log.