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Quick Start Guide: Standard User Administration


This Quick Start page addresses FHA Connection Standard User administration performed within each organization by its Application Coordinator(s).

FHA Connection Standard User administration

The Standard Users category includes most users of the FHA Connection. These Standard Users are the regular users for the following organizations:

FHA-approved lenders (Single Family or Multifamily)
Service Bureaus
Underwriter Review contractors
FHA Subsidiary Ledger business partners

Refer to:

Standard User registration requirements
Application Coordinator tasks
the Detailed Information Resources table for in-depth, illustrated training on authorizing users.

Application Coordinator tasks (Standard User)

Application Coordinators perform authorization tasks using the FHA Connection ID Administration page (reached via the ID Maintenance menu). Assistance in performing these functions is provided via the Help icon on the FHA Connection ID Administration page (business background, steps for processing, and field descriptions).

Application Coordinators perform the following authorization and maintenance tasks for their organization's Standard Users:

obtain the ID issued for the Standard User following user's approval by HUD via e-mail notification
establish initial user access to the FHA Connection and set up the user's authorizations to use the FHA Connection functions for which they are approved
disclose the Standard User ID to the user when the ID set up is complete
maintain (update, terminate, reinstate) user authorizations to use specific FHA Connection functions and accesses
reset user passwords
update and change nonsecure user data (e.g., name or telephone number)

Application Coordinators also use any FHA Connection functions for which they themselves are authorized.

Detailed Information Resources
Subject/Type of Information
Illustrated, detailed training on the user administration process and roles

User Administration