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Complete 203k Calculator
Completing 203k Calculator is required for 203(k) cases assigned a case number on or after October 31, 2016. It is optional for 203(k) cases assigned a case number prior to that date. Use 203k Calculator to:
Establish financeable repair and improvement costs, fees, and reserves.
Establish the value of the property.
Calculate the maximum mortgage eligibility.
Calculate additions to the base mortgage amount.
Calculate the loan-to-value (LTV) percentage for application of the annual mortgage insurance premium (MIP).
Establish the rehabilitation escrow amount. Calculator

203k Calculator is pre-filled with the information entered through Case Number Assignment, Appraisal Logging, and FHA TOTAL Scorecard.

Note: A Rehabilitation Loan Agreement is entered into and an interest-bearing rehabilitation escrow account is established by the lender.