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 Quick Start: Single Family Servicing Mortgage Calculator

Mortgage Calculator is a data input form that can be used to generate a billing schedule for new and existing FHA-insured cases. The Help defines each field (data item) and its valid values. Mortgage Calculator fields include:

Loan Amount
Interest Rate
Loan Term (in months)
Begin[ning] Amort[ization] Month
Begin[ning] Amort[ization] Year
Premium Rate
Upfront MIP [Mortgage Insurance Premium] Factor
Mortgage Type
Amortization Plan
MMI After 12/31/2000 [indicator of risk-based Mutual Mortgage Insurance (MMI) Fund case]
100 Percent Financed
Billing Years

Once the all of the appropriate information is entered, select Send. The Mortgage Calculator Results page displays the information you entered and a Billing Schedule.

See also the FHA Connection Guide for more detailed information on Mortgage Calculator [PDF].